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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-01-18 新闻



    一位消息人士表示,通用汽车对空中出行市场的研究由通用汽车创新部门承担,目的是探索交通出行领域的增量市场。该部门由艾伦·韦克斯勒(Alan Wexler)领导,直接向玛丽·博拉汇报。艾伦·韦克斯勒今年7月被任命为通用汽车创新与增长高级副总裁,这是通用汽车最新设立的职位。这一项目本应在2020年开始测试,但因疫情影响,还没有它的进一步消息。


    English version

According to the introduction, GM released the concept of flying car model, this one Flying car Pure electric, with fully automatic driving function. It's equipped with a ultium battery pack and four wheels and can fly in the air at 55 mph. In recent years, Uber and LYFT have been laying out air traffic strategies. Uber signed a cooperation agreement with NASA as early as 2017, which will help it develop the transportation system of its flying car project.

According to a source, GM's research on the air travel market is undertaken by GM's innovation department to explore the incremental market in the field of transportation and travel. The Department is headed by Alan Wexler and reports directly to Mary bora. Allen Wexler was named GM's senior vice president of innovation and growth in July, the latest position GM has created. The project should have been tested in 2020, but no further information on it has been available due to the impact of the epidemic.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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