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作者: feiauto
English version
Terrafugia, a flying car company, said it will launch its first flying car in 2019, and it will be the two-seater flying car the company will show this week. Terrafugia said that this kind of car can be converted between ordinary cars and airplanes. It is unclear how fast this speed is. However, Terrafugia has previously promised to fly in the air at a top speed of up to 100 miles per hour and cruising range. It is 400 miles, and will continue to be upgraded with the adjustment of the power system in the future.
In 2020, Japanese startup SkyDrive designed a flying car SD-03. In Toyota's test field, the driver drove a flying car in the air for 4 minutes. It is 4 meters long, 4 meters wide, and 2 meters high. It can only seat one person. After stopping, it will take up about two parking spaces. The SD-03 motor is installed in four rotors, each with two rotors. There are 8 rotors in total that rotate in opposite directions. The design idea is more like the current fixed-wing UAV, with a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour and a maximum flying height of 500 meters. Although flying cars have made great progress, there is still a long way to go before they are actually used. Let us wait and see.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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