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吉利飞行汽车 从汽车切换到飞行模式仅需40秒钟
作者: feiauto
English version
This Flying car The biggest bright spot is that it can realize automatic deformation. It takes only 40 seconds to switch from car to flight mode, and 518 meters to the sky to realize air flight. For most car users, the price of flying cars is the most interesting. It is reported that the price of this car will be 1.9 million yuan after global mass production. Faced with such a high price, netizens also laughed, saying that this is something ordinary people can afford. I believe only local tyrants are worth it. So, is everyone looking forward to the flying car developed by Geely Group? Imagine not only driving a car, but also flying in the air. This kind of picture is so beautiful!(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)