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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-03-22 文章

简介 feiauto曾报道,去年 9 月,由小鹏汽车 CEO 何小鹏和小鹏汽车共同投资、控股的航空高科技创新型企业小鹏汇天,正式在北京国际车展上亮相,据介绍,这款...

     feiauto曾报道,去年 9 月,由小鹏汽车 CEO 何小鹏和小鹏汽车共同投资、控股的航空高科技创新型企业小鹏汇天,正式在北京国际车展上亮相,据介绍,这款产品可以搭载两人,在2-25米高度飞行。飞行汽车命名为“旅航者T1”,原本由东莞市汇天科技有限公司(下称汇天科技)研发。该公司成立于2013年,研发的飞行器还包括“空中摩托车”。“旅航者T1”早在2018年8月即已发布。3月20日,小鹏汽车CEO何小鹏参加节目《遇见大咖》时表示,2021年底就可以造出飞行汽车,会看到未来几年里面,中国的超低空或者叫低空领域都开放给民用。


    English version

    feiauto It has been reported that in September last year, he Xiaopeng, CEO of Xiaopeng Automobile Co., Ltd Xiaopeng Xiaopeng Huitian, a high-tech innovative aviation enterprise jointly invested and controlled by automobile, officially appeared at Beijing International Automobile Exhibition, According to reports, this product can carry two people, flying at an altitude of 2-25 meters. Flying car It was originally developed by Dongguan Huitian Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huitian Technology). The company was founded in 2013, and the research and development of aircraft also includes "skybike". "Traveler T1" was released as early as August 2018. On March 20, he Xiaopeng, CEO of Xiaopeng automobile, said that flying cars could be built by the end of 2021, and China's ultra-low altitude or low altitude fields would be open to civilian use in the next few years.图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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