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小鹏汽车或将于2021 年底推出会飞的汽车

人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-03-23 文章

简介小鹏汽车 CEO 何小鹏 3 月 20 在《遇见大咖》节目中表示,小鹏汽车将于2021 年底推出会飞的汽车,可以开放试乘试驾。未来几年里面,中国的超低空或者叫低...

    小鹏汽车 CEO 何小鹏 3 月 20 在《遇见大咖》节目中表示,小鹏汽车将于2021 年底推出飞行汽车,可以开放试乘试驾。未来几年里面,中国的超低空或者叫低空领域将开放给民用。



    English version

 Xiaopeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng said on March 20 in the "Meet the Big Coffee" program that Xiaopeng Motors will launch a flying car at the end of 2021 , and test drives can be opened. In the next few years, China's ultra-low altitude or low altitude area will be opened to civilian use.

     He said that Xiaopeng Motors is working on a coupling product between flight and car. This kind of flying car is the same size as an ordinary car and can take off and land vertically in the parking space. It has already tested nearly 10,000 times. In fact, at the Beijing Auto Show last year, Xiaopeng released an ultra-low-flying car called the Traveler T1, which can support flying at a height of 5-25 meters. It is similar to the driving method of a car. It can lift vertically in the parking space. Its price is comparable to that of a luxury car. It is understood that Xiaopeng Huitian is currently developing the second-generation ultra-low-altitude flying car, and the number of seats for the flying car will also increase to two, which is expected to be completed by the end of this year.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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