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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-03-31 文章



    小鹏飞行汽车旅航者X2 参数:飞行器自重400公斤,核定载重220公斤,荷载乘客两人,续航30分钟,飞行高度1000米以下,抗风等级5~6级,速度120公里飞行器全自主飞行,城市空中交通,解决城市拥堵,缓解地面交通压力,将于2021年下半年开放体验。大家可以到feiauto官网上进行预约试飞试乘试驾!


    English version

    It is reported that, The second generation of Xiaopeng flight automobile The flight test drive will be opened at the end of this year. Compared with the first generation, the second generation has a brand-new design in appearance. This product is more like a car“ automobile ”Because the design of the cockpit is more mature automobile Design, the cockpit is designed as a flat appearance, and before it was just a seat cockpit, still very three-dimensional. 

    Xiaopeng flying car traveler x2 parameters: the weight of the aircraft is 400 kg, the approved load is 220 kg, the load is two passengers, the endurance is 30 minutes, the flight altitude is less than 1000 meters, the wind resistance level is 5-6, the speed is 120 km, the aircraft fully autonomous flight, urban air traffic, solve the urban congestion, relieve the ground traffic pressure, will open in the second half of 2021 。 You can come feiauto Make an appointment for flight test, ride test and drive on the official website!图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



小鹏分体式飞行汽车谍照抢先看 将四季度开启预订
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