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丰田飞行汽车试飞 空中出租车即将变为现实?
作者: feiauto
English version
The new crown virus has hindered many innovations, and most of the flying car projects supported by American technology giants have been stranded. However, Toyota's SkyDrive has conducted a publicly manned test flight of its flying car, aiming to make air taxis a reality in 2023. At the beginning of this month, SkyDrive, headquartered in Tokyo, conducted a test flight of its aircraft car SD-03 at the Toyota Proving Ground in Toyota City under the leadership of a pilot. The event showed that this single-seater flying car can rise to 6 feet above the ground under the drive of batteries and four pairs of propellers, and hover in the mesh test area for about 5 minutes.
SkyDrive is about 4 meters long, 2 meters high, and compact, which is very suitable for urban use. The company said in a statement earlier this month: “In developed countries, flying cars are expected to be used as vehicles to alleviate traffic congestion and respond quickly when disasters occur.” In the United States, multiple flying car projects have already For many years. However, due to many reasons such as infrastructure and supervision, these projects have never been commercialized. In May, companies such as Uber also reduced the budget of the development department due to the severe blow to the auto industry by the epidemic. It is understood that the SD-03 is known as the world's smallest electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle, and it will bring a new experience to urban life. It is reported that the SD-03 has a total of 8 rotors, which can help it fly safely even in the case of engine failure. Are you looking forward to taxis flying in the sky?(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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