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PAL-V Liberty飞行汽车是如何起飞呢?
作者: feiauto
简介那么,Liberty是如何起飞呢?首先,它需要180米长的跑道,并保证有 200×100米的安全空域才可以正常起飞。启动Rotax发动机滑行到跑道,Libert...
那么,Liberty是如何起飞呢?首先,它需要180米长的跑道,并保证有 200×100米的安全空域才可以正常起飞。启动Rotax发动机滑行到跑道,Liberty上方的转子保持静止,只是上下弯曲。松开离合器后,转子开始转动。慢慢加速,使转速超过185rpm,Liberty很快就离开了地面。值得一提的是,方向舵只有一根摇杆和一组踏板。开起来并不像摩托车那样,Liberty的入弯没有什么可以比拟的,感觉就像是开一架飞机,特别是具有高侧倾率的高性能飞机。从左转到右转的动作几乎是无缝连接,甚至比骑自行车还要顺畅。虽然65马力的大发发动机无论是输出功率还是音调都相当微弱,但相对于驾驶乐趣,这些几乎无关痛痒。
English version
So, how does liberty take off? First of all, it needs a 180 meter long runway and a 200 × 100 meter safe airspace to take off normally. Start the Rotax engine and taxi to the runway. The rotor above liberty remains stationary, just bending up and down. When the clutch is released, the rotor begins to turn. Slowly accelerate to over 185rpm, and liberty soon left the ground. It is worth mentioning that the rudder has only one rocker and a set of pedals. Unlike motorcycles, there is nothing comparable with liberty's entering the corner. It feels like driving an aircraft, especially a high-performance aircraft with high roll rate. Turning from left to right is almost seamless, even smoother than cycling. Although the 65 horsepower big engine output power and tone are very weak, but compared to driving fun, these are almost irrelevant. (文编译/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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