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PAL-V Liberty飞行汽车获得上路资格,吉利还会远吗?
作者: feiauto
简介 在拥堵日益严峻的时候,很多人都幻想着自己的车上能长出翅膀,一下就飞过的车流量。飞行汽车一直是车企们前进的方向,在10月28日,PAL-V Liberty已获...
在拥堵日益严峻的时候,很多人都幻想着自己的车上能长出翅膀,一下就飞过的车流量。飞行汽车一直是车企们前进的方向,在10月28日,PAL-V Liberty已获得了在欧洲道路上行驶的批准,这也是全球第1辆能够真正飞起来的汽车。此次荷兰这家厂商的飞行汽车获得批准,对于吉利这些车企而言也算是一个非常大的鼓舞。全球首辆飞行汽车获得上路资格,或将展开量产?吉利还会远吗?
English version
When the congestion is getting more and more severe, many people dream about the flow of traffic that can grow wings on their cars. Flying cars have always been the direction for car companies. On October 28, PAL-V Liberty has been approved to drive on European roads. This is also the world's first car that can really fly. The approval of the Dutch manufacturer’s flying car is also a great encouragement to Geely car companies. The world's first flying car is qualified on the road, or will it start mass production? Can Geely be far?
It is reported that now Geely ’s flying cars have come to the final battlefield. After a series of debugging, they will surely be eligible for the road. If Geely can really succeed, it will be a big improvement for the Chinese. Although it is difficult to implement this matter at present, not everyone is qualified to fly an airplane, but we can also feel happy to be able to imagine this. Regarding the price of flying cars, we can't guess. I believe that in the near future, everyone will have the opportunity to "fly into the sky". If flying cars do come, how much are you willing to buy?(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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