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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-04-06 文章



    飞行汽车的初心是灵活运用大家头顶充足的室内空间来考虑城市交通,减轻路面交通出行工作压力。假如确实有一天能保证普及化,那可能改变大家的交通出行。路面将已不被大马路所占有,继而变为各种各样的休闲娱乐室内空间。大家借助四轴飞行器迅速的穿越重生大城市,减少上下班时间、提升舒适感。那麼这一科幻电影中的情景多长时间可以完成?也许此生内你都难以见到,或是开朗一点说,50年内也许能在某一“示范性住宅小区”中你可以大约寻找一些类似点。具体看来,中国针对本人航空公司行业对外开放的比较晚,而且在中小型民航机场的普及化水平服务设施等都是有显著的缺口。此外再加学习培训飞行执照、四轴飞行器选购保养等,间距欧美国家也有显著的差别。吉利资金投入上空交通出行行业還是看好了这一销售市场取决于将来的极大发展潜力。很显著这一销售市场间距完善还必须好长时间的時间,但针对如今钱多无处花的吉利而言,这能够 当作是常规的战略部署。也许在未来的某一天,吉利就能用提前很多年的技术性累积把敌人解决在起跑线上。


    English version

    With the rapid development of new energy technology, not only electric vehicles are the only ones that are developing rapidly, but flying cars are also among them. In fact, there are many innovative companies overseas that have already created the prototype of flying cars . Compared with Geely's TF-2A, overseas flying cars may be more relevant, with detailed road traffic organization, and the wing of the aircraft has also become a folding method. But no matter what kind of scheme design, they did not announce the launch of the market. The key reason not only depends on the blank pages of relevant laws and regulations, but also has many problems in the usual application scenarios and service facilities.

     The original intention of flying cars is to flexibly use the sufficient indoor space above everyone's head to consider urban traffic and reduce the pressure of road traffic travel. If universalization can be guaranteed one day, it may change everyone's transportation. The pavement will no longer be occupied by the main road, and then become a variety of leisure and entertainment indoor spaces. With the help of the quadcopter, everyone quickly traversed the rebirth big city, reducing commuting time and improving comfort. So how long can the scene in this sci-fi movie be completed? Perhaps you will not be able to see it in this life, or be more cheerful, you may be able to find some similarities in a certain "model residential area" within 50 years. Specifically, China's opening to the outside world for its airline industry was relatively late, and there is a significant gap in the level of popularization of service facilities in small and medium-sized civil aviation airports. In addition to learning and training flight licenses, purchase and maintenance of quadcopter, etc., there are also significant differences between European and American countries. Geely's capital investment in the air transportation industry is still optimistic about this sales market depends on the great development potential in the future. Obviously, it will take a long time for this sales market to be perfected, but for Geely, which has a lot of money and nowhere to spend, this can be regarded as a regular strategic deployment. Perhaps someday in the future, Geely will be able to solve the enemy on the starting line with the accumulation of technology many years in advance.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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