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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-04-06 文章


    汽车圈内的行家、消费者大部分人都看好飞行汽车,尤其是目前国内地面交通流量遇到瓶颈,挖掘地下交通的基建成本又太高的情况下,广阔的天空就为路上通勤的人们创造了新的机会。至于人们所担心的噪音和出行安全系数,相信随着技术的发展,这些问题都会被不断优化改进。车企布局飞行领域制,造出陆空两用的通勤工具已经不是先例,这次吉利旗下的太力飞车公司,推出的 TF-X就配备了时下最热门的自动驾驶系统和人工智能,安全系数极大地提高。

    在2017年,吉利宣布全资收购美国飞行汽车公司太力飞车。到目前为止,太力飞车已推出过两代的Transition和TF-X产品。作为一款概念升级的飞行汽车Terrafugia TF-X拥有比Transition更加先进升级的设计,比如该飞车采用插电式混合动力传动系统,电脑自动控制,拥有有四个座位,可垂直起降。第二代Transition 有两个座位,在天上开起来和传统运动飞机差不多,空中续航为 640 公里,最高时速为 160 公里/小时。这款技术最成熟的第二代Transition被美国航空主管部门允许商业化使用。美国联邦航空局为这款飞行汽车颁发适航证的节奏,按照这样的进度,这款“飞车”一旦实现量产,很快就能在美国的上空实现通勤。


    English version

    Most of the experts and consumers in the automobile circle are optimistic about it Flying car In particular, the current domestic ground traffic flow bottlenecks, mining underground traffic infrastructure costs are too high, the vast sky for commuters to create new opportunities. As for the noise and travel safety factor that people are worried about, with the development of technology, these problems will be continuously optimized and improved. It is not a precedent for car companies to lay out the field of flight system and create a dual-purpose commuting tool. This time, the Taili flying car company of Geely launched the TF-X Equipped with the most popular automatic driving system and artificial intelligence, the safety factor is greatly improved.

    In 2017, Geely announced its wholly-owned acquisition of American flying car company tailifei. So far, tailifeiche has launched two generations of Transition and tf-x products. As a concept upgraded flying car, Terrafugia tf-x has a more advanced and upgraded design than transition. For example, the flying car adopts plug-in hybrid power transmission system, computer automatic control, four seats, and can take off and land vertically. The second generation transition has two seats, which is similar to a traditional sports aircraft in the sky. It has an air endurance of 640 km and a maximum speed of 160 km / h. This second generation transition, the most mature technology, is allowed to be used commercially by the US aviation authority. According to the rhythm of FAA issuing airworthiness certificate for this flying car, once this "flying car" is mass produced, it will soon be able to commute over the United States.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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