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作者: feiauto
简介 一家名为Terrafugia的飞行汽车制造商正在为其飞行汽车产品向FAA争取上路许可,但由于该飞行汽车的机翼收缩功能着实难以符合现今的道路状况,Terrafu...
一家名为Terrafugia的飞行汽车制造商正在为其飞行汽车产品向FAA争取上路许可,但由于该飞行汽车的机翼收缩功能着实难以符合现今的道路状况,Terrafugia的这款飞行汽车产品始终未能成功投入大众消费市场。而另一家名为AeroMobile的飞行汽车制造商也面临着同样的问题,正为其产品Aero Mobile 4.0飞行汽车争取European Aviation Safety Agency Type Certification。保时捷汽车制造商则宣布他们正与波音公司合作开发高端电动飞行交通工具;初创公司Opener和Kitty Hawk发布了各自研发的VTOL产品,这两家公司都是由谷歌创始人之一的拉里·佩奇所投资的。Uber表示在现今多种运用于电动汽车的先进技术,都有潜力被运用到电动VTOL的产品当中,如电动垂直飞行汽车。等多家公司已经开始研发飞行汽车,相信未来飞行汽车会给我们生活带来很多便利!
English version
Terrafugia, a flying car manufacturer, is seeking road license from FAA for its flying car products. However, due to the fact that the wing contraction function of the flying car is difficult to meet the current road conditions, Terrafugia's flying car products have not been successfully put into the mass consumer market. Aeromobile, another flying car manufacturer, is facing the same problem. It is striving for European aviation safety agency type certification for its product aeromobile 4.0 flying car. Porsche carmakers have announced that they are working with Boeing to develop high-end electric flying vehicles; start-ups opener and Kitty Hawk have launched their own VTOL products, both of which are invested by Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. Uber said that in today's various advanced technologies used in electric vehicles, it has the potential to be used in electric VTOL products, such as electric vertical flight vehicles. Many other companies have begun to develop flying cars. I believe that flying cars will bring us a lot of convenience in our life in the future!(图文编译/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
上一篇 :吉利研究的飞行汽车如今怎么样?