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作者: feiauto
简介 答:虽然各方面付出了多年的大量努力,飞行汽车Liberty也传来了获准在欧洲道路上行驶的好消息,然而飞行汽车要真正实现商业落地还面临着许多发展瓶颈和障碍。 ...
English version
Answer: Although many years of efforts have been made in various fields, the flying car Liberty has also received good news that it has been approved to drive on European roads. However, the flying car is still facing many development bottlenecks and obstacles to achieve commercial landing.
The first is technical issues. For example, in terms of batteries, the most important problem facing the current research and development of flying cars is that the payload is low and the cruising range cannot meet the basic urban and suburban travel needs. And this question will determine whether the product can be popularized. The problems we encounter in electric vehicles now will also be encountered in flying cars.
The second is the issue of social supervision. The current regulatory framework cannot meet the requirements for flying car operations. Any aircraft must pass the review of the country's aviation department. If the operation of flying cars is really carried out, how should "routes" be formulated by then? What are the driving rules? How to divide accident responsibility? How to achieve aerial law enforcement? How to train drivers to meet driving needs? The resulting series of problems need to be resolved.
In addition, there is the issue of market acceptance. For a new technology to go from research and development to real commercialization, the performance, economy and reliability of the product need to be considered. In short, the benefits of flying cars are many, but there are also many problems to be solved. The emergence of new things always requires constant polishing before they finally become reality.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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