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作者: feiauto
简介 答:有了飞行汽车之后,我们的生活会有哪些改变呢?关于这一点,我们可以尽情地打开脑洞。根据罗兰贝格公司的研究,飞行汽车的商业模式至少在下面这三个方面是极有可能...
English version
Answer: With flying cars , how will our lives change? On this point, we can open our minds as much as we want. According to the research of Roland Berger, the business model of flying cars is very likely to be realized in at least the following three aspects.
Air taxi: point-to-point service in the urban area
Air taxis can provide on-demand flights between any landing points in a designated area. The travel range in this scenario is 15 to 50 kilometers. The conditions that a flying car needs to meet are as follows: the load requirement is 1 to 2 passengers and an estimated 20 kilograms of carry-on luggage; at the same time, it must be able to cope with a trip of 35 to 70 kilometers, leaving a safety margin of about 40%. Corresponding charging facilities are distributed near the landing site. The service provider will dispatch vehicles based on the traffic management prediction system and predict the demand in different landing zones.
Airport shuttle: suburban to urban service
The service mode of the airport shuttle bus is roughly the same as that of the air taxi. The difference is that the airport shuttle will provide regular flights between various landing points and the airport. The landing point will be located at the airport around the city, and the flight distance will be slightly longer. 3 to 6 passengers and 70 to 100 kg luggage requirements.
Intercity flights: inter-regional services
This model will be based on regular flights between specific cities. There is no regular air service between the two cities, but there are certain user needs. For example, from Shanghai to Taicang or Moganshan and other tourist spots in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. This scenario requires a flight range of 50 to 250 kilometers, can carry 2 to 4 passengers, and carry 20 to 40 kilograms of hand luggage.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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