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飞行汽车Liberty通过欧洲道路通行考核 离交付更近一步

人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-10-29 文章

简介 据国外媒体报道,飞行汽车研发公司PAL-V发布消息称,旗下产品Liberty(自由)已经通过欧洲道路通行考核,可以上路。 PAL-V表示,公司产品离交付更近...

    据国外媒体报道,飞行汽车研发公司PAL-V发布消息称,旗下产品Liberty(自由)已经通过欧洲道路通行考核,可以上路。 PAL-V表示,公司产品离交付更近了一步。 PAL-V未来几个月将进行耐力测试,民众从现在起可以在欧洲道路上见到PAL-V Liberty


    English version

According to foreign media reports, PAL-V , a flying car research and development company, announced that its product, Liberty, has passed the European road access test and can be used on the road. PAL-V said that the company's products are one step closer to delivery. PAL-V will undergo endurance tests in the next few months, and people can see PAL-V Liberty on European roads from now on .(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com