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荷兰的PAL-V 欧洲飞行汽车已经可以上路
作者: feiauto
简介 有外媒报道称,全球第一辆获批可以上路的飞行汽车出现了,日前,荷兰制造商人PAL-V打造的飞行汽车PAL-V Liberty已获得批准,可以在欧洲道路上行驶。...
有外媒报道称,全球第一辆获批可以上路的飞行汽车出现了,日前,荷兰制造商人PAL-V打造的飞行汽车PAL-V Liberty已获得批准,可以在欧洲道路上行驶。据了解,PAL-V在2012年就推出了飞行汽车概念车,进入2020年之后,PAL-V Liberty在欧洲进行过多次相关测试后,被正式允许持牌上路。不过,PAL-V Liberty目前只有在道路上行驶的牌照,并没有在空中飞行的资质。
在2019年日内瓦车展上,荷兰的PAL-V公司带来了他们的PAL-V Liberty先锋版飞行汽车,这是被业内誉为最有希望量产的飞行汽车。据悉,自2015年开始,PAL-V就在致力于让PAL-V Liberty通过欧洲航空安全局的航空认证。在近日,国外媒体称,PAL-V Liberty已经通过了欧洲道路通行考核,至此完成自2020年2月以来在测试跑道上进行的严格而广泛的驾驶测试计划。就高速环形跑道、刹车和噪音污染测试而言,PAL-V现在已经可以上路了。据相关报道,PAL-V Liberty 2015年就已经开始申请欧洲航空安全局的航空认证,预计最快会在2022年完成审批。
English version
According to foreign media reports, the world’s first flying car approved for use on the roads has appeared. A few days ago, the PAL-V Liberty, a flying car built by Dutch manufacturer PAL-V, has been approved for driving on European roads. It is understood that PAL-V launched the flying car concept car in 2012. After entering 2020, PAL-V Liberty has been officially allowed to run on the road with a license after conducting multiple related tests in Europe. However, PAL-V Liberty currently only has a license for driving on the road and does not have the qualification to fly in the air.
At the 2019 Geneva Motor Show, the Dutch PAL-V company brought their PAL-V Liberty pioneer flying car, which is regarded as the most promising mass-produced flying car in the industry. It is reported that since 2015, PAL-V has been working on getting PAL-V Liberty to pass the European Aviation Safety Agency’s aviation certification. Recently, foreign media claimed that PAL-V Liberty has passed the European road traffic assessment, and has completed the strict and extensive driving test plan on the test track since February 2020. In terms of high-speed loops, braking, and noise pollution testing, PAL-V is now on the road. According to related reports, PAL-V Liberty has already applied for the European Aviation Safety Agency's aviation certification in 2015, and it is expected to complete the approval in 2022 at the earliest.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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