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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-11-07 文章

简介 飞行汽车发展大概有三个阶段:Modular Airplane模块化飞机、Integrated Airplane一体化飞机以及VTOL垂直起降航空器。里面添加的...

    飞行汽车发展大概有三个阶段:Modular Airplane模块化飞机、Integrated Airplane一体化飞机以及VTOL垂直起降航空器。里面添加的例子都是经典机型。Modular Airplane是早期阶段的飞车,关注的是如何同时实现在“天上飞”和又在“地上跑”的概念,比较机械地将车机实体进行拼接,实测的性能不算特出,也不能在场景化应用比早期分开的车机更加有吸引力。

    第二阶段主要是Integrated Airplane,应该是从体型上找到最优或者次优的解决方案,尤其是对于环境的适应性上,如propulsion动力方面。但问题还是,飞机能飞几千上万里,汽车能跑几百公里,飞车的两用形态航程只能用分钟级别来形容,可玩不可用。



    English version

    There are roughly three stages in the development of flying cars : Modular Airplane, Integrated Airplane and VTOL vertical take-off and landing aircraft. The examples added here are all classic models. Modular Airplane is an early stage of flying car. It focuses on how to realize the concept of "flying in the sky" and "running on the ground" at the same time. The car and machine entities are spliced mechanically. The measured performance is not outstanding, nor can it be Scenario-based applications are more attractive than earlier separate vehicles.

    The second stage is mainly Integrated Airplane, which should be to find the optimal or sub-optimal solution from the size, especially the adaptability to the environment, such as the propulsion power. But the problem is that airplanes can fly thousands of miles, cars can run hundreds of kilometers, and the dual-purpose range of speed can only be described in minutes, which can be played or not.

    The third stage is the current drone-like VTOL products, four-axis or multi-axis. The most benchmarked product should be drones or autonomous vehicles. I do not agree that VTOL is an enlarged or enhanced version of the aircraft. The unmanned aerial vehicle itself is not manned for commercial or civilian use, and the most viable product for small manned aerial vehicles is small aircraft or helicopters. Runways, auxiliary equipment, altitude, speed, control complexity, small aircraft or helicopters are all aimed at long-distance navigation. Low altitude, ultra-low altitude, the most critical flexible travel and low prices are the most difficult to achieve. VTOL's first solution should be to use non-automotive low-altitude navigation to solve tasks that are difficult or impossible to achieve by land vehicles: crossing small obstacles, cutting shortcuts, and complex terrain (sea and land).图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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