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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-12-08 文章

简介 8月25日,SkyDrive公司于在丰田试验场进行了首次试飞。丰田试验场是日本最大的试验场之一,也是该汽车公司项目研发的所在地。这是日本历史上首次公开展示飞...


    此外,在飞行汽车市场上,也远不止SkeyDrive这一家公司。包括Uber、Honeywell、Wisk,德国Lilium Aviation,法国Safran,以及由Google创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)支持的Kitty Hawk项目等也在这一领域积极探索。例如,英国发动机制造商罗尔斯·罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)已于2018年启动“飞行出租车”计划,凯蒂·霍克(Kitty Hawk)公司已经开始向有意购买汽车的人提供试飞服务。SkyDrive可能不是第一家完成试飞的公司,但它是第一家进行无限制试飞的上市公司。


    English version

    On August 25, SkyDrive made its first test flight at Toyota proving ground. Toyota proving ground is one of the largest test sites in Japan, and is also the site of the project development of the automobile company. This is the first public display in Japanese history Flying car 。 The flying car is 2.9 meters long and 1.3 meters wide, occupying only two parking cars. It is the smallest electric vertical flying vehicle in the world.

    Besides, skedrive is more than one company in the car market. It includes Uber, Honeywell, Wisk, lithium aviation of Germany, Safran of France, and Kitty Hawk project supported by Larry Page, founder of Google. For example, Rolls Royce, the British engine maker, launched the "flying taxi" program in 2018, and Kitty Hawk has started offering test flights to people who want to buy cars. SkyDrive may not be the first company to complete the test flight, but it is the first listed company to conduct unrestricted test flights.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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