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吉利飞行汽车横空出世了 一眼看上去还以为是飞机

人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-12-15 文章





    English version

    Since the car, there has been car civilization,If each family has one car, how many cars should China's 1.4 billion families have? After all, with a large population base, there will naturally be traffic congestion. In the United States, this situation is rare. When we are in rush hour, the traffic jam is more serious. At that time, we are like if the car can go to the sky, that would be good. It's not, auspicious Flying car It was born. At first glance, I thought it was a plane. The flying car, named transition, is said to take off in 40 seconds and become a winged car.

    In terms of power, the flying vehicle uses battery power system. When flying in the air, the maximum speed can reach 322km, the altitude can reach 3048m, and the air endurance mileage limit can reach more than 800 km. It is estimated that the situation that there are cars flying in the sky and cars running on the ground will not appear until several decades later. After all, it will take time for all aspects to be improved. If Harry Potter saw this scene, he would really laugh, because his science fiction dream has become a reality.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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