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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-12-30 文章





    English version

   It is understood that flying cars are not far away from our lives. As a new vehicle for the future, the flying vehicle is getting more and more attention in aviation and automobile fields. Boeing, Airbus, bell, AVIC and other traditional aviation giants, as well as Geely, Toyota, Audi, Tesla and other automobile enterprises, have laid out the research and development of flying vehicles. Flying car has developed from the small-scale practice of individual dreamers to the focus of capital market. Its concept is also extended from land to air amphibious vehicle to electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle.

    At present, with the iterative upgrading of production technology, the flying vehicle has got rid of the shackles of manufacturing technology. With the support of artificial intelligence and automatic driving technology, the flying car is a future transportation mode from the original experimental product. Perhaps, this reality will not come as early as we think, but the curtain of the "era of flying traffic" belonging to the 21st century has been opened.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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