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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-01-12 文章



    美国马萨诸塞州Terrafugia开发的飞行汽车Transition 7月在威斯康城主首次公开飞行,创造了历史,此次公开的展示会共进行了2次,进行了20分钟,守护了众多航空粉丝在现场激动的瞬间看到了。小编相信飞行汽车或在未来改变我们出行方式。


    English version

automobile Can you fly? Maybe we can only see it in science fiction or movies like transformers, but this "Morpher" developed by Terrafugia in the United States is real flight automobile Yes. It can spread its wings and fly in the air, but when it is on the ground, the wings can be folded up, which can be like relying on the wheels at the bottom automobile Drive the same way.

    The transition, a flying car developed by Terrafugia, Massachusetts, USA, made its first public flight in Wisconsin in July, creating a history. This public exhibition was held twice and lasted for 20 minutes. It guarded many aviation fans and saw it in the exciting moment. Xiaobian believes that flying cars may change the way we travel in the future.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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