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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-01-13 文章

简介 1月13日电通用汽车公司周二(12日)推出了一款未来派的飞行汽车凯迪拉克(Cadillac),称这是一款自动驾驶汽车,可垂直起降,“可在街道上空和空中搭载乘...

    1月13日电通用汽车公司周二(12日)推出了一款未来派的飞行汽车凯迪拉克(Cadillac),称这是一款自动驾驶汽车,可垂直起降,“可在街道上空和空中搭载乘客”。在今年的CES上,通用设计总监Mike Simcoe线上公布了两款凯迪拉克电动概念车:一款飞行汽车和一款滑门箱式班车。



     English version

January 13 General motors on Tuesday (12) launched a futuristic Flying car Cadillac, which calls it an autonomous car, can take off and land vertically and "can carry passengers over the street and in the air". At this year's CES, general design director Mike Simcoe announced two Cadillac electric concept cars online: a flying car and a sliding door box bus.

Simcoe said "VTOL is key to GM's vision of a multi-mode future" and said Cadillac was still developing a two seater luxury electric car. The flying car can take off and land vertically (VTOL), carrying passengers above the street and in the air. It's a fully autonomous, pure electric car with a 90kw electric motor, a general purpose ultium battery pack, an ultra light body and four wheels, and can fly in the city air at 55 mph 。 One GM executive said the car could "reshape the future of personal transportation".(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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