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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-01-15 文章

简介  飞行,是人类的梦想。飞行汽车,伴随着汽车而生。继荷兰公司PAL-V正式推出量产版飞行汽车后,2021年北美消费电子展(CES 2021)上,通用汽车展示了凯...

  飞行,是人类的梦想。飞行汽车,伴随着汽车而生。继荷兰公司PAL-V正式推出量产版飞行汽车后,2021年北美消费电子展(CES 2021)上,通用汽车展示了凯迪拉克电动穿梭汽车和电动垂直起降飞行汽车,菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车(FCA)发布了一款与Archer Aviation合作研发的飞行汽车,让飞行汽车再次“热”起来。对于“飞行汽车”这个行业,吉利丰田、大众、现代汽车、奥迪、保时捷、小鹏、天马、劳斯莱斯等车企,早已展开布局。飞行汽车距离我们越来越近了,相信未来开车出门再也不怕堵车了!


    English version

Flying is the dream of mankind. Flying car With cars. After the Dutch company pal-v officially launched the mass production version of the flying car, in 2021, at the North American Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2021), general motors showed the Cadillac electric shuttle car and electric vertical takeoff and landing flying car, and Fiat Chrysler automobile (FCA) released a flying car developed in cooperation with Archer aviation, making the flying car "hot" again. For the "flying car" industry, Geely Toyota Volkswagen, Hyundai, Audi, Porsche Xiaopeng, Tianma, Rolls Royce and other car enterprises have already launched the layout. The flying car is getting closer and closer to us. I believe that we will never be afraid of traffic jam when driving out in the future!(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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