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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-04-06 文章



辛普森说:“以每钟头30公里的速率在路面上产生撞击是风险的,但一般 (旅客)是能够 活下来的。上空产生的一切撞击都更为风险。现如今,安全系数是第一位的。一切都务必是可表述的,而且务必可以表述出了什么问题及其从初中来到哪些。”并且,作用安全系数的重特大转变乃至不包括电缆线缠结、大风和飞机螺旋桨气旋导致的出现意外毁坏。虽然很多年来,航天航空和汽车集团在作用安全系数层面均逐步提高,但飞行汽车仍必须明显提高严苛水平和第三方监管的作用,以防止过高的责任险或惩罚性赔偿。这种充足了没有?“大家最初会觉得激动和迷途。现如今在大量的人身亡的状况下,将必须人们方面的会话和规章制度界定单独、致命性的恶性事件是不是可接纳。这种期待值将必须根据清晰度和管控度来管理方法。”可是,如同鲍里索夫(Borisov)所强调的那般,功能安全还可以被视作促使要素。“不协作的不良影响是勒索软件的,这将鼓励企业遵循。”即便是小型无人机也会造成许多噪声,更别说试验性的上空的士了。竖直起降造成的气体偏移使很多碎渣飞舞,必须持续清理商业服务直升机停机坪以移以外来物。在拥堵的地域有着飞行汽车将不可以与隔壁邻居非常好地交往,因而必须为有隔壁邻居的顾客设计方案特定的直升机停机坪和出行解决方法。但是,远程控制网站代表着现阶段尚不具有基础设施建设和融洽服务项目。


English version

There are three difficult problems that road transportation companies must deal with before bringing flying cars to the market. Abandoning control is almost not a very easy task, but the driverless car shows a new level of anxiety. Fear of flying in an airport is a fear of sailing, and about 2.5% to 6.5% of the population has already suffered from this kind of fear. According to this scientific research, 71% to 73% of foreigners worry about driverless cars, and more than 80% of foreigners are not likely to let children ride in driverless cars. 55% of the company's risky technicians who accepted the survey said that network information security is the top priority of driverless cars. Is it the fear of ignorance or the long-term potential containment of the flying car business process instance? It's a difficult problem, but I haven't answered it yet.

Simpson said: "It is risky to have a crash on the road at a rate of 30 kilometers per hour, but generally (passengers) can survive. All crashes in the sky are more risky. Nowadays, the safety factor is the first. Yes. Everything must be expressible, and must be able to express what went wrong and where it came from junior high school.” And, the significant change in the safety factor does not even include cable tangles, high winds and airplane propeller cyclones. The appearance of accidental destruction. Although aerospace and automotive groups have gradually improved their safety factors for many years, flying cars must still significantly increase the level of stringency and the role of third-party supervision to prevent excessive liability insurance or punitive damages. Is this sufficient? "Everyone will feel excited and lost at first. Now that a large number of people are killed, it will be necessary for people's conversations and regulations to define whether a single, fatal vicious event is acceptable. This expectation will have to be based on clarity. Management methods.” But, as Borisov emphasized, functional safety can also be seen as an enabling factor. "The bad effect of non-cooperation is ransomware, which will encourage companies to follow" Even small drones can cause a lot of noise, let alone experimental overhead taxis. The gas drift caused by vertical take-off and landing caused a lot of debris to fly, and the commercial service helipad must be continuously cleaned to remove foreign objects. Flying cars in congested areas will not be able to communicate very well with the neighbors next door. Therefore, it is necessary to design specific helipads and travel solutions for customers with neighbors next door. However, the remote control website represents that there is no infrastructure construction and rapport service project at this stage.图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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