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吉利Transition飞行汽车 汽车变飞机仅需40秒
作者: feiauto
English version
The concept of a flying car was proposed a long time ago, but it has not been manufactured and mass-produced. After Geely acquired the American flying car company, it also launched a flying car, this flying car. Its size is equivalent to the size of an ordinary SUV, and it can be flexibly changed between airplanes and cars.
It is worth noting that among the many companies that Geely has acquired many shares in me, there is one called American Flying Car Corporation. The company's name directly points to the flying car project the company is studying. The American Flying Car Company also launched a flying car named Transition , which can fly from land to the sky in just 40 seconds. The launch of the Geely flying car must have attracted a lot of attention. It is really amazing. Everyone has seen SUV advertisements, and its size is also very suitable for family travel. This Geely flying car is exactly the size of an SUV as a car, so it is still acceptable. It also changes in size when flying as an airplane. Just when the wings of an airplane are deployed, it can be imagined that it is naturally larger than when it is used as a car. Another point worth paying attention to is that it consumes electricity as a car on land and as an airplane in the sky. The combination of electricity and fuel consumption is still quite attractive. The future of Geely is also immeasurable.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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