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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-10-28 文章

简介打车公司Uber 和韩国移动通信运营商SK Telecom宣布成立新的合资公司,其目的是推出新的出租车服务,并且投资于最终将允许制造飞行汽车的新技术。相信未来每...

 打车公司Uber 和韩国移动通信运营商SK Telecom宣布成立新的合资公司,其目的是推出新的出租车服务,并且投资于最终将允许制造飞行汽车的新技术。相信未来每家每户都有一辆飞行汽车,高楼大厦都不装电梯了,外出就靠飞行汽车,走亲访友就在七楼阳台开飞行汽车直接飞到对面大厦七楼的阳台!


    English version

     Ride-hailing company Uber and South Korean mobile communications operator SK Telecom announced the establishment of a new joint venture company with the goal of launching new taxi services and investing in new technologies that will eventually allow the manufacture of flying cars . I believe that in the future, every household will have a flying car , and high-rise buildings will no longer be equipped with elevators. You can rely on flying cars when you go out . When visiting relatives and friends, you can drive a flying car from the balcony on the seventh floor and fly directly to the balcony on the seventh floor of the opposite building!(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com