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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-11-11 文章

简介 以前 汽车 是高消费品,不是一般人可以买得起,如果你有车就可以在马上愉快地行驶,还用担心没车位,街上边随便泊。但现在不同了,买车容易多了,但找位置停车和路上...

    以前 汽车 是高消费品,不是一般人可以买得起,如果你有车就可以在马上愉快地行驶,还用担心没车位,街上边随便泊。但现在不同了,买车容易多了,但找位置停车和路上堵车成了两大暂时无法解决的难题,尤其是节假日,堵得让你怀疑人生。有了这辆车,再也不用担心堵车了。因为它可以瞬间变型飞起来,这是来自斯洛伐克KleinVision公司开发的飞行汽车 AirCar。



    English version

 In the past, cars were high-consumer goods and were not affordable for ordinary people. If you have a car, you can drive happily right away, and you don’t have to worry about parking spaces on the street. But now it’s different. It’s much easier to buy a car, but finding a location to park and traffic jams on the road have become two major problems that cannot be solved temporarily, especially on holidays, which make you doubt your life. With this car, there is no need to worry about traffic jams anymore. Because it can instantly transform and fly, this is the flying car AirCar developed by KleinVision in Slovakia.

    It can fly up to 460 meters high, at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and its endurance is also very impressive, reaching 1,000 kilometers. Of course, you also need to glide for a short distance when landing. After the wings are extended, there are 3 parking spaces. But only by pressing a button, the wings can be folded, and only one parking space is occupied after being folded.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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