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未来堵车就上天 韩国试飞载人空中飞行出租车

人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-11-12 文章

简介 11日,韩国进行“载人空中出租车”试飞活动,展示并检测空中飞行技术应用等,这是韩国首次试飞“空中出租车”。这架双座“空中出租车”在汝矣岛起飞,围绕西江大桥、麻...



     English version

    On the 11th, South Korea carried out a "manned air taxi " flight test activity to demonstrate and test the application of air flight technology. This is the first time that South Korea has tested a "air taxi". This two-seater "air taxi" took off from Yeouido and flew 3.6 kilometers around Sogang Bridge and Mapo Bridge, lasting about 7 minutes. The aircraft participating in this test flight was manufactured by a Chinese company.图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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