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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-12-09 文章


    作为国内三大新能源造车新势力之一,小鹏已与蔚来、理想形成三角竞争之势。但小鹏创始人何小鹏的梦想显然不仅局限于“地面”,还要飞到“天上”。今年9月,在第十六届北京国际汽车展览会开幕上,小鹏汽车展示了一款飞行汽车——“旅航者T1”, 该车可以搭载两人,在2-25米高度飞行。据悉,旅航者T1由东莞市汇天科技有限公司(汇天科技)研发,小鹏汽车和何小鹏个人共同投资。

    近日,荷兰飞行汽车制造商PAL-V在官网披露,其生产的飞行汽车PAL-V Liberty已获得批准可在欧洲道路上行驶。这是全球首辆获批上路的飞行汽车PAL-V的试驾员汉斯乔尔说:“当我第一次启动PAL-V时,我真的起鸡皮疙瘩了。它非常平稳,对转向反应灵敏,重量只有660公斤,加速性能非常好。整体体验就像一辆跑车。”飞行汽车的发展可以算作未来的一种交通发展趋势,毕竟它能够极大的缓解交通拥堵状况


    English version

   As one of the three major new energy vehicle manufacturing forces in China, Xiaopeng has formed a triangle competition with Weilai and ideal. But the dream of he Xiaopeng, the founder of Xiaopeng, is obviously not only limited to "the ground", but also to "the sky". In September this year, at the opening of the 16th Beijing International Automobile Exhibition, a Flying car ——“ Traveler T1 ”The vehicle can carry two people and fly at an altitude of 2-25 meters. It is reported that traveler T1 is developed by Dongguan Huitian Technology Co., Ltd. (Huitian Technology), and Xiaopeng automobile and he Xiaopeng are jointly invested.

    Recently, Dutch flying car Manufacturer pal-v disclosed on its official website that it produced flying cars PAL-V Liberty It has been approved for use on European roads. This is the world's first approved flying car on the road. Hans Joel, pal-v's test driver, said: "when I first started pal-v, I really got goose bumps. It's very smooth, responsive to steering, weighs 660 kg and has excellent acceleration. The whole experience is like a sports car. " The development of flying car can be regarded as a traffic development trend in the future, after all, it can greatly alleviate traffic congestion 。(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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