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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-12-10 文章





    English version

In June 2018, Geely Holdings Group acquired Terrafugia Flying car company, officially involved Flying car Areas. Geely Group set up Hubei Geely Taili flying car Co., Ltd. in Wuhan, with an annual output of 100 flying cars (parts), which are only the shell of flying cars. It is expected to be put into production in November next year. The new car is about 6m in height and 6m in length. In order to ensure the driving safety, the flying car is also equipped with air bag, pre tightening safety belt, collision collapse zone, etc., and is equipped with emergency parachute, which can ensure the safety of personnel in critical time.

    According to foreign media reports, on October 28, local time, Flying car liberty It has been approved to run on European roads, the world's first approved flying car. The flying car was built by Dutch manufacturer pal-v. Since February this year, liberty has passed a number of tests, including strict European road access tests, braking and noise pollution tests. However, if the car wants to fly into the sky, it also needs to obtain the European aviation safety agency's aviation certification, which is expected to be approved by 2022.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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