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吉利飞行汽车适航证颁发 不用再怕堵车了!

人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-01-23 文章



  美国FAA适航证是全球最难取得的证书之一,其适航条款要求异常苛刻。该证书表明,Transition(TF-1)产品设计合理,安全性能可靠,并为其商业化进程迈出了重要一步。太力飞车Transition (TF-1)可搭载两人,最大起飞重量约850 公斤,采用混合动力技术,巡航速度每小时167 公里,巡航高度可达 3000米,航程可达 670 公里。此外,根据中国交通管理局的信息显示,截至2019年6月份,我国机动车保有量高达3.4亿辆,占机动车总量的74.58%,并且这个数量和比例还在不断增长。或许要不了10年,我们在大街上就可以打到飞行汽车了!


    English version

    Working and living in the first and second tier cities often face a choice: drive to work. It's too easy to get stuck. Take the subway to work. What's the significance of buying a car. Traffic jams are common in areas with a large number of people, especially during rush hours. It takes an hour to finish a half hour's journey. Therefore, many cars and Airlines began to study flying cars. Beijing time January 22, Geely technology's Taili feiche Transition (TF-1), announced that it has obtained the airworthiness certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This is the first time that FAA has issued airworthiness certificate to modern flying car products Flying car A great advance in commercialization.

    FAA airworthiness certificate of the United States is one of the most difficult certificates in the world, and its airworthiness requirements are extremely strict. The certificate shows that the transition (TF-1) product is reasonable in design, reliable in safety performance, and an important step in its commercialization process. Transition The TF-1 can carry two people, with a maximum take-off weight of about 850 kg. It uses hybrid technology, with a cruising speed of 167 km / h, a cruise altitude of 3000 m and a range of 670 km. In addition, as of June 2019, according to the China transportation administration, The number of motor vehicles in China is as high as 340 million, accounting for 74.58% of the total number of motor vehicles, and this number and proportion is still growing. Maybe in less than 10 years, we can get a flying car on the street!(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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