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人气: 作者: feauto 时间:2021-01-27 文章

简介2020年6月22日,太力飞车还首次公布了 第二代飞行汽车TF-2A原型机外形,并预告TF-2A全尺寸原型机即将问世,此举意味着太力飞车在城市空中出行领域取得重...

    2020年6月22日,太力飞车还首次公布了 第二代飞行汽车TF-2A原型机外形,并预告TF-2A全尺寸原型机即将问世,此举意味着太力飞车在城市空中出行领域取得重要突破。TF-2A是面向城市空中出行领域的eVTOL纯电动垂直起降飞车,为太力飞车最新一代产品。相比于多旋翼和倾转翼构型,TF-2A选择了便于通过适航审定并达到更理想经济效应的复合翼构型,且出于安全性备份,配有三点轮式起落架,使飞车在紧急迫降时有更多的迫降点选择。



    English version

    On June 22, 2020, Taili feiche also announced for the first time Second generation Flying car The appearance of tf-2a prototype and the full-size prototype of tf-2a will be released soon, which means that Taili has made an important breakthrough in the field of urban air travel. Tf-2a is a pure electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle for urban air travel, which is the latest generation product of Taili. Compared with the multi rotor and tilt wing configurations, tf-2a chooses the composite wing configuration which is easy to pass the airworthiness certification and achieve more ideal economic effect. In addition, it is equipped with three-point wheel landing gear for safety backup, so that the flying vehicle has more choices of forced landing points in emergency landing.

    In terms of ride comfort, tf-2a chooses the combination of upper single seagull wing and h-tail in layout. Eight lift motors are distributed on the struts on both sides of the wing, which achieves a balance between safety redundancy and noise. The configuration of the sea gull will raise the propeller to a safe height of more than 2 meters, so that the flying car can basically eliminate the potential safety hazard of lifting components to the surrounding personnel in any case. After the first successful flight test of tf-2a scale verification machine, Taili flying vehicle team will optimize the iterative product design by collecting and analyzing relevant data, which has great reference value for the development of tf-2a full-scale prototype.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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