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现代汽车将建造飞行汽车机场 飞行时代来了!
作者: feiauto
简介近日,飞行汽车feiauto网获悉,现代汽车集团已与英国初创企业Urban Air Port合作建设飞行汽车基础设施Air-One。飞行汽车,乍看还真有点魔幻色...
近日,飞行汽车feiauto网获悉,现代汽车集团已与英国初创企业Urban Air Port合作建设飞行汽车基础设施Air-One。现代计划建设自己的电动垂直起落(eVTOL)飞机,并支持更广阔的城市空中出行生态系统,而此次合作旨在推进该集团2028年实现空中出租车商业化的目标。
据了解,双方合作的Air-One项目位于英格兰中部的考文垂,同时该项目还获得了英国政府的拨款。具体来看,Air-One是一个“弹出式”高架平台,电动飞行汽车在此降落后,平台会向下移动到机库中。随后,电动飞行汽车可以被推到场地的不同地方,在那里可以充电、清洁,以及为维护目的进行检查和载客。未来,该机场可支持飞行出租车和自动驾驶配送无人机等,同时还可实现城市间的载人或载货。Urban Air Port可以减少交通拥挤、缓解空气污染,并帮助实现零碳未来。为应对全球需求,该公司未来五年将在全球建设逾200个零碳排放。飞行汽车,乍看还真有点魔幻色彩呢,科技是人类进步的推动力,让我们拭目以待,一起迈向未来!
English version
Recently, flying cars feiauto According to the website, Hyundai Motor Group has cooperated with urban air port, a British start-up Flying car Infrastructure air one. Hyundai plans to build its own electric vertical takeoff and landing (evtol) aircraft and support a broader urban air travel ecosystem. The cooperation aims to promote the group's goal of commercializing air taxis by 2028.
It is understood that the air one project is located in Coventry, Central England, and has also received funding from the British government. Specifically, the air one is a "pop-up" elevated platform where the electric flying car lands and the platform moves down into the hangar. Electric flying vehicles can then be pushed to different parts of the site, where they can be charged, cleaned, inspected and carried for maintenance purposes. In the future, the airport can support flying taxis, automatic driving and distribution of UAVs, and can also carry people or goods between cities. Urban air port can reduce traffic congestion, alleviate air pollution and help achieve a zero carbon future. In response to global demand, the company will build more than 200 zero carbon emissions worldwide in the next five years 。 Flying car, at first glance, is really a bit of magic color. Science and technology are the driving force of human progress. Let's wait and see and move towards the future together!(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
上一篇 :飞行出租车机场或将在考文垂建立
下一篇 :电动飞行汽车机场将在英国考文垂建成