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人气:1261 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-01-28 文章



    据了解,Urban Air Port已经获得政府资助,在该市建造空中出租车和自动送货无人机枢纽。这种枢纽的功能和飞机机场类似,同时它还可以给电动汽车进行充电和维护。飞行出租车机场可以支持任何电动垂直起降飞机,也将易于搬迁到其他地点。随着各大汽车和航空企业纷纷提出自己的飞行器商业计划,相信在不久的将来人类就会迎来“滴滴打机”的新型出行方式。


    English version

  flight automobile Will it become the mainstream of the future ? The world's first fully operational flight The taxi airport will be put into operation in Coventry later this year, and companies will start testing as soon as 2023 flight automobile 。

    It is understood that urban air port has received government funding to build an air taxi and automatic delivery UAV hub in the city. The hub functions like an airfield, and it can also be powered automobile Charging and maintenance. flight Taxi airports can support any electric VTOL aircraft and will be easy to relocate to other locations. With the major automobile and aviation enterprises have put forward their own aircraft business plans, I believe that in the near future, mankind will usher in a new way of travel.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com