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凯迪拉克飞行汽车 支持垂直起降

人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-03-20 文章

简介据了解,这款车拥有四个旋翼,支持垂直起降,一次飞行可搭载一名乘客,并能够实现完全自动驾驶,时速最高可达 56英里。 ​看到 VTOL 的第一眼还是会忍不住惊叫一...

    据了解,这款车拥有四个旋翼,支持垂直起降,一次飞行可搭载一名乘客,并能够实现完全自动驾驶,时速最高可达 56英里。 看到 VTOL 的第一眼还是会忍不住惊叫一声,因为外观实在太拉风了!凯迪拉克飞行汽车外观上,跟我们的亿航184一样,这辆“飞行版”的凯迪拉克也采用了四旋翼设计。不同的是,它的旋翼是分别安装在下前方和后上方,中间则是一个小小的驾驶舱,远远看去就像一个“Z”字形。


     English version

     It is understood that the car has four rotors, supports vertical take-off and landing, can carry a passenger in a flight, and can achieve full automatic driving, with a maximum speed of 56 miles per hour.   See VTOL at the first glance or can't help but scream, because the appearance is too windy! Cadillac Flying car In appearance, like our Yihang 184, this "flying version" is Cadillac A four rotor design is also used. The difference is that its rotor is installed in the lower front and rear upper respectively, and there is a small cockpit in the middle, which looks like a "Z" shape from a distance.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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