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作者: feiauto
English version
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recently issued a "special light sport aircraft airworthiness certificate" for a hybrid flying car of Geely Group, a Chinese enterprise. It is the first car in the world that can fly at a height of 10000 feet, with a speed of 100 miles per hour. It is reported that, Transition flying car It weighs about 1300 pounds, has a fixed landing gear and a wingspan of 27 feet. The wings can be folded and the whole car can be stored in a single garage.
For Flying car The future market of the products has a very wide development space in the current national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation planning. It will play an important role in new consumption, new scenes, new formats, as well as the protection and improvement of public services. In addition to the daily travel of high-end and business groups, there are also demands in wedding, cultural tourism and special scenes, which will be further derived into the popularization of three-dimensional transportation Travel, from this point of view, its launch will become more urgent. Feiauto: bold imagination In the next 10 or 20 years, the automotive industry will still be in a period of transformation and rapid development, Believe in the future, Flying car It will be as popular as cars, Whether it is like the scene of science fiction blockbuster, time will give us the answer.(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)
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