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PAL-V Liberty飞车通过了欧洲道路通行考试,拿到正式牌照

人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2021-03-27 文章

简介2020年10月,Liberty通过了欧洲道路通行考试,拿到正式牌照,也就是说,PAL-V现在已经可以上路了。自2015年起,PAL-V Liberty就开始陆...

    PAL-V的故事很简单——靠技术硬扛。这家公司的飞行车测试原型机2012年首飞后,公司随即开展了其商业产品PAL-V LibertyLiberty是如何起飞呢?首先,它需要180米长的跑道,并保证有 200×100米的安全空域才可以正常起飞。启动Rotax发动机滑行到跑道,Liberty上方的转子保持静止,只是上下弯曲。松开离合器后,转子开始转动。慢慢加速,使转速超过185rpm,Liberty很快就离开了地面。值得一提的是,方向舵只有一根摇杆和一组踏板。

    2020年10月,Liberty通过了欧洲道路通行考试,拿到正式牌照,也就是说,PAL-V现在已经可以上路了。自2015年起,PAL-V Liberty就开始陆续通过欧洲航空安全局(EASA)的航空认证,计划于2022年完成,之后,Liberty也可以合法起飞。2018年,PAL-V Liberty开始接受预定,成为全球首款量产飞行汽车


    English version

   The story of PAL-V is very simple-relying on technology to carry it hard. After the company's flying car test prototype flew for the first time in 2012, the company immediately launched its commercial product PAL-V LibertyHow did Liberty take off? First of all, it needs a 180-meter-long runway and a 200×100-meter safe airspace before it can take off normally. Start the Rotax engine and taxi to the runway. The rotor above Liberty remains stationary, only bending up and down. After releasing the clutch, the rotor starts to rotate. Accelerating slowly, making it more than 185rpm, Liberty quickly left the ground. It is worth mentioning that the rudder has only one rocker and one set of pedals.

     In October 2020, Liberty passed the European road pass test and obtained the official license, which means that PAL-V is now on the road. Since 2015, PAL-V Liberty has successively passed the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) aviation certification, which is scheduled to be completed in 2022. After that, Liberty can also take off legally. In 2018, PAL-V Liberty began to accept reservations, becoming the world's first mass-produced flying car .(图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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